Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Religion and Church

It has been a while since I wrote anything.  Fall coming into winter is a busy time.  Like the proverbial squirrel storing up for winter, I run around proving that I am "nuts."  Ok, bad pun.  Kit posted a blog (she is an influential gal even if she doesn't realize it!) and it brought to mind an old posting from that other site that used to be so nice. maybe cutting and pasting is cheating...but I still wrote it, and I think it still holds true, even if I wrote it several years ago....

Here it is...a blast from the past.

I was brought up Lutheran.  I went to Sunday School.  I went to church almost every Sunday.  I was confirmed.  I believe in God.  I also believe in Christ.  I am not offended by those that don't, or believe otherwise...unless it is thrown in my face or unless their so-called faith is used as an excuse or justification for douchery....then fuck off.  I am not the one to judge you (although likely I will - tough shit).  You are not the one to judge me (although likely you will - get over it, I don't care).

Why do I write this?

Because for the last 20 years I have only attended church sporadically.  Most of the time for funerals or weddings, although I have skipped my fair share of those as well.  I did not even attend Easter services.

Because last night I was asked why I no longer went to church and (imagine this) I was honest.  I told the person that I couldn't sit in the back of the church and look at the back of all the hypocrites heads.  She said, well, you could sit in the front row with us.  I replied, well, I would still have to look at at least one hypocrite.  And sitting in the front row just proves that you are more interested in people seeing you sit in the front row, not the word that is being preached by the chief hypocrite.

She seemed to be highly offended.  Tough shit.  The truth hurts.  Fuck off.

I would rather sit with a new calf in my lap on a Sunday morning.  I would rather be in the glory of God's creation splitting a couple face cords of wood.  I would rather throw the boat in the water and troll for bass.  I would rather hitch my team and rake hay.  All of this I am able to do because God created it.  Sitting in a building with a bunch of self righteous douchebags will not get me to heaven.  Heaven is here if we appreciate it.  I don't believe faith requires weekly attendance in some building.

Ok...I could go on about this for a long long while, but what is the point?  If you think going to church on Sunday in your gotomeetin clothes for an hour or two will get you to heaven, well.....good for you.  The rest of the week matters much more in my eyes.

Rant over.


Since I received a PM from a friend who was slightly offended because they are a regular church goer, I feel that I must clarify that while I may have been generalizing, I am sure that there are some people who really feel that going to church is enough...wait...that came out snarky.....Tough shit......lmao  No, what I mean to say is,  Sorry "friend"  If I offended your churchiness, pray for me when you are there.  I will think of you during the rest of the week.


  1. Gives me the proper warm 'n' fuzzies this does.

  2. I do remember that post, and am in agreement with it. If church is just sitting in a pew and thinking that will get you in God's good books, then no thanks. May I share this or would you rather I didn't?

  3. When I go to church... I no longer go up for communion. I only go for weddings and funerals.

    I need to grow a spine and start speaking my mind....

    1. That is the only aspect of church that I may be missing...the body and blood...but I am confident that God understands.

    2. I got a degree recently, but chose not to march. I still have my degree. There were some that marched that hadn't actually earned their degree yet. Some of those actually didn't get their degree.

      The ceremony has no relevance if there is no meaning behind it.

  4. Going to church is cool not going is cool too.. find love and light anywhere and everywhere you can. If it feels right and makes you a better person in the process, do it.

    1. I agree. Everything should be for the right reason.

  5. That's the kind of religion I have respect for. Church, temple, whatever, it has its place, but connection to the higher power has to be personal and individual
